10 April 2017
11:10 PM PDT

This Full Moon in Libra will conjunct Jupiter…Jupiter expands everything it touches. Emotions will be a little more intense at this full moon. Some spiritual awakenings about our individual selves will certainly come up. Like flashes of light they will appear before us; should you choose to accept this insight, is your choice. Jupiter likes to give you gifts, very much like Santa Claus. For those in a great romantic relationship, this could bring gifts of love to your doorstep. Or, you could be the one giving to someone you love. Conversely, in an established relationship one or both of you could be confronting each other about individualizing the relationship; taking ‘my’ needs into consideration…being just important as the ‘relationship’ itself. This is influenced by the Jupiter opposition of Uranus and the Sun- all in ‘me first’ Aries. Jupiter will square Pluto; uh oh! Care with expanding a little too much, trying to do ‘too’ much. The drive will be to do it all. Maybe you can (maybe you can’t; and that’s ok).

Throughout all of April 2017 many planets will turn retrograde including the much angst Mercury retrograde. Causing a lot of introspection, delays, second thoughts…etc. Message: don’t think anything will be set in stone this month. Allow yourself to reflect on things happening in your world. Especially, regarding relationships – mostly romantic but all fall under this (business partners, lawyers, therapists). Why? Well Venus (planet of love and money) rules Libra (it also rules Taurus). That is where the Full Moon is: in Libra! I think it is reasonable to say a lot of relationships will be under the microscope of:  should I stay or should I go, thoughts. You can have very strong feelings around this Full Moon in Libra; they may be correct and valid.

Venus retrograde will influence this Full Moon as it is still retrograde until the 15 April 17. From then on it goes forward in the universe revisiting Aries once again. Remember though it has retrograded back into lovely, feel peace & love Pisces…then into Aries at the end of April…me first, I want – type of modality. Gather up all the breadcrumbs leading to your ‘peace’ and meditate on it…then agree to decide in May 2017 regarding  values, love, money or all. Stay out of other people’s craziness…there will be a lot of that around this month! Projections galore…yours or others. Stay as pure as possible. Saturn in Sagittarius squares this Venus asking us is this real? We also have the Galactic Center giving us deep spiritual messages at the same time.

Truth in relationships will rule. Awareness of what is really going on becomes transparent.This aspect hangs around to ‘really’ ask the deep questions regarding relationships. As always, going into nature, taking yourself away from any screen (TV, iPad, computer) and engaging in your beautiful surroundings, walks by the water…all soothing balms. Venus in Aries…going back into spiritual Pisces gains an added dimension…yeah, I can be an individual but, I sure as hell better make sure it is from a very advanced spiritual connection with source (that is the reason Venus retrograded back to Pisces to pick up the ‘message’). A spiritualized Aries…wow…the Spiritual Warrior for your good and others…that’s the litmus test. Do you pass it? Karma comes home to roost for a while.

“My suggestion would be to wait till May, when Venus (retrograde, at the moment) will be out of shadow to truly get the ‘all clear’. This occurs on: 19 May.  I suspect there are a few details not yet out in the open that need to be revealed or at least, worked out. Love & money, together having a chat about meeting individual needs; this is what I want, this is what I need. You get the idea.”

The North Nodes of the Moon are in the last vestiges of Virgo. Between now and the end of the month they will vacillate between 1 to 0 degrees of Virgo. There are some generational themes to come up with the North Nodes of the Moon going into Leo, 10 May 2017 at 29 then 28 degrees Leo. Leading the charge of change will be those born around Oct 1955-Jan 1956, Aug 1956-Oct 1956, Jan 1957-Aug 1957. Look to where Natal (born with) Pluto is in your chart. What house is it in? This will be the house activated and a major push for realizing, through transformation, your destiny, within the collective as a generation.

For instance, the 2nd house would be transforming your values, love, maybe beauty or money system, 3rd house, your communication style, 5th house transforming your creativity, starting your own business, children- this house is especially of importance as Leo rules the 5th house (where the nodes will be in May 2017 onwards), 10th house, your goals and career. As the next few years go by other birth years will be affected too in fact, all the way back to 1938 when Pluto was in the early degrees of Leo. It is of interest that the whole Venus retrograde at ~27/28 degrees Pisces and Saturn retrograde at same degrees along with the Galactic Center may truly be sending a message to those folks with Pluto (planet of transformation) in Leo and providing opportunities to express true knowledge to lead us forward in the collective.

Awww let’s welcome in some awesome creativity, strutting your stuff. Together with the Year of the Fire Rooster we could see some wonderful creative displays of energy coming from some very good souls! Look forward to more laughing, dancing, just having fun kind of experiences. And most of all: Expressing who you are inside! Imagine one of those wonderful summer days where everything is new, shiny, happy and inspiring; it is good to be you!

Sabian Symbol for 22 degrees Libra

“A Child Giving Birds A Drink At A Fountain” 1

Essentially the message is clear, give sustenance to those that need it, especially those that cannot fend for themselves…that may be relying on you. The fact that this is a ‘child’ states how sometimes a child knows instinctively what to do with regards to helping those in need, something as simple as a bird. Keep it simple; does someone in need require your help? If you can, lend a hand. If not, find someone who can.


  1. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.