9 June 2017
6:11 a.m. Pacific Time

Leading up to this Full Moon in Sagittarius we have Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Taurus (after an extended stay in warrior sign, Aries) and Mars goes into Cancer (where it is in its detriment. Read as: not the best place to call home!).  Potentially more significant is Jupiter stationing direct just after the Full Moon in Sagittarius…unfortunately, focusing on partnerships. Will you stay or will you go?! I am saying the writing will be very clearly on the wall. Neon signs will light up saying: Yes or No. Hee Hee. It’s been a little rough on relationships of all sorts but especially romantic ones. The Universe wants us all to be in the right relationship to get on our path of destiny with no hiccups. No more messing around…now is the time. The ability to make the change is easier now. Jupiter rules Sagittarius so, this Full Moon in Sagittarius carries more weight. Many truths, especially with regards to relationships (right now Jupiter in the universe is in the sign of relationships, Libra) will be revealed. If you’ve not been able to get unstuck…now’s the time!

Sun quincunx Pluto; butting heads with authority figures may complicate the landscape for many. Venus in its home sign of Taurus sextiles Mars in Cancer; opportunities to beautify your home may arise.  Mars in the sign of the home, Cancer means Arguments may happen more easily. Focus on positive activity in the home. For example, spring/summer cleaning? Ha Ha!

Sabian Symbol for 19 degrees of Sagittarius1 p. 221

“Pelicans menaced by the behavior and refuse of men seek safer areas to bring up their young”.

This points directly to human kind poisoning an environment for vulnerable creatures (like the Pelican). And suggests we need to change this. It is all around us especially as it relates to water pollution.


  1. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.