29 November 2016
4:18 a.m. Pacific Time

I was reminded by an astrologer I follow, Jaimie Partridge of Astrology King, that Juno conjuncts this New Moon directly! 1 Astroid Juno conjuncts this New Moon (and Sun) at 7Sagittarius54. Juno, is the wife of Jupiter and rules marriage. Specifically, this will affect those Sagittarius sun signs born on or before 5 December and Pisces sun signs (where Neptune is now) born on or before 14 March. As always take a look at your own chart and see where 7/8 degrees of Sagittarius falls; what house? New beginnings especially as it relates to marriage.

The Sun, Moon & Juno all square Neptune, the North and South Nodes of the Moon causing something to come to light that forces a new beginning. Its all about confronting the past (to let go of it) so you can embrace the (better) future. Let’s think positive and creatively around new starts! Remember Neptune has only just turned direct 20November having been retrograde for some months, sitting in the shadows and keeping things hush. That created confusion and generally feeling like you’re in a fog, unable to make decisions or choose a direction. Now, the fog lifts and it becomes easier to see where you are going. Take that first step. Challenges to adjusting to the future as new structures are being set in place. I especially see this playing out in the political arena. An almost nostalgic feeling around what is known (from the past). But, wait…the future could be even better; have courage.

Black Moon Lilith (our shadow selves) is still in Scorpio and is going over ground that Mars traversed last June 2016 and then went direct at this same degree point of 23 degrees Scorpio. Think back to the summer months generally and what shadows, murky areas of your life were you digging up or having dug up for you?? Black Moon Lilith could add some grease to the shanks and move that learning experience up a notch. If you didn’t finish the work…that needed to be done, you’re about to get a reminder from the universe. Otherwise, with the work done in the shadows, a sense of feeling good about ‘all of you’ may rise up inside.

Esoterically, I see this as the aha moment for those receptive to tuning into source, our higher selves, the Universe…messages are clear now. We’ll be able to see the forest and the trees! Aim for wisdom and love at the heart of everything, especially towards you.

Next up: Jupiter, planet of expansion in Venus ruled Jupiter emphasizes relationships, especially romantic. For folks with their Sun in either Libra (especially 6-13 October birthdays) or Capricorn (especially) (with birthdays around 4-11 January) expect to feel the effects more immediately. This will affect everyone though as it is a powerful aspect to get us to transform how we do relationship. Or, how we do ‘money’.

The conjunction of Venus (love, money & beauty) to Pluto (you will transform!) in Capricorn on 25th November (still in effect at this New Moon) reactivates the Cardinal T-Square from 2015 (remember that?). That’s when all sorts of crap flew around in all parts of our lives. Now, we focus on relationships. Jupiter in Libra at the same degree point of 15 degrees adds drama with the square aspect to the Venus/Pluto conjunction & Uranus in Aries. My take is this: if you didn’t get things in order with regard to relationships (all, or any, of them) back in 2015 or in 2016 (yet) you may be forced to as a result of what transpires. Love & money may be linked. This doesn’t have to be negative; a new life changing love or business relationship could start now that will transform your life for the better.

All I can say is: Pluto takes away that which does not serve you on your path. I’m going to go out on a limb and say this truly could be a time of meeting your soulmate…for those that have been working diligently on themselves, this could be your reward. The downside of Pluto energy coupled with Venus is possessiveness, jealousy, vindictiveness, and explosive emotion around relationships. As others have mentioned, stay away from potentially explosive conversations or situations this holiday season, especially Thanksgiving weekend. Can we say Phoenix rising from the ashes…or is that a Turkey I see!!!!

Mars trines Jupiter and sextile Saturn. Action has an opportunity to become something real, tangible. Jupiter sextile Saturn and opposes Uranus and squares Pluto very closely. Saturn trines Uranus and squares Chiron breaking free of unwanted restrictions may take some fanangling. Neptune, now moving forward, continues to conjunct the past collective, South Node of the Moon and opposes the future directing North Nodes of the Moon. You know you have to move forward but, the lure of the known (past) may be difficult.

Other aspects of importance in December onwards

Mercury will go retrograde on 19 December 2016 at the Capricorn degree point where Venus conjuncts Pluto (15 degrees Capricorn) mentioned above. This means there’s going to be a lot of discussin'(try not to do the cussin’) about what transpired around 25th November 2016. Mercury will go direct on 8 January 2016 at 28 degrees Sagittarius and not come out of its shadow (returning to its retrograde degree point of 15 degrees Capricorn) until the end of January. I expect breakups, breakthroughs and some wonderful new relationships that some folks may have thought would never happen. If you have your chart please look to the house that this Mercury retrograde sits. A significant time for some with regards to relationships.

Mars is in ‘out there Aquarius’ ruled by Uranus ploughing the otherworldly landscape, most notably higher consciousness, in anticipation of Venus’s arrival mid December 2016, she’ll be in fertile ground to sow fruitful seeds. Venus will bring opportunity for the collective to more easily connect with source, the Universe. New and beautiful insights!

Sabian Symbol for 8 degrees Sagittarius

“Within the depths of the earth new elements are being formed. The alchemical fire which both purifies and transforms the very substance of man’s inner life” 2 p. 214

To me this refers to the transmutation of base metal to gold. Transforming our selves through reaching for the highest levels, the collective consciousness. The universe has been influencing us through Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, North and South Nodes of the Moon and the recent major eclipses we have had this year. These ‘influences’ from the universe are now manifesting in each of us. How receptive we are to these influences will show how they manifest. Great time for any kind of meditation utilizing yoga, kundalini yoga, or purifying crystal bowls. Sorcery and magic! We all need to follow the love. Is this situation, person, thing, job, home, loving to me? If it’s not ,y you are not following the love. Meditate on this lovely picture. Venus is very prominent at this New Moon in Sagittarius; embrace new ways to love.


  1. The Astrology King, Jaimie Partridge. http://astrologyking.com/new-moon-november-2016/. Accessed on the internet 19November2016.
  2. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.