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2nd Half of December 2018 Full Moon in Cancer

Correction in the video it will be the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice is ushered in on 21st December followed by the Full Moon in Cancer on 22nd December at 9:48 pm PST at 0 Cancer 49. Now the Sun, Saturn and Pluto are all in Capricorn. This exerts energy that asks us to be serious to make things real and work hard to reach our goals. Venus will sextile Jupiter and trine Neptune bringing compassionate, romantic love and feelings. Together with the Sun in Capricorn we can ‘feel’ that our dreams ‘can’ come true. More manifestation of those dreams next year, 2019 and beyond when Uranus goes direct early January and enters Taurus first week of March 2019.

The two eclipses in January, Capricorn and Leo set up the year to ask us to be serious about our authentic selves and doors will open, or close to support that in 2019. The three Jupiter Neptune squares have us questioning our beliefs and faith. Can I trust this to be ‘true’…for ‘me’? Learning to be true to yourself is where happiness will be found. Tie this in with the North Nodes of the Moon of destiny asking us: Where do I feel at home, safe, secure and nurtured.

Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza- Merry Christmas! I’ll be back at the end of December 2018 with an Astrological Look for each of the Astrological Signs for 2019! Have fun this holiday season everyone!