Eclipse New Moon in Cancer

New Moon Partial Eclipse at 20 Cancer 41

12/13 July 2018

7:48 p.m. PDT

This puts the Sun and Moon at 20 degrees 41 minutes Cancer. Both the luminaries are opposite intense, Pluto. On 22nd July Venus sextiles Jupiter, then on the 25th July goes on to sextile Neptune in Pisces creating a backdrop of feel good energy & at one with the world.

Cancer: This is a major re-start in your life…if you don’t feel it at this time you could one month later. Major transformational events will occur to put you where you need to be. My suggestion: participate in that change don’t have it forced upon you. Events like marriages, divorces, births, move to a foreign country could be all things you are now looking at! Specific Cancer birthdays include: 10-16th July

Capricorns: You could have a partner, marriage or business be the one going through some major transformational change that directly affects you. Specific Capricorn birthdays include: 8th to 14th January

Astronomy of first half of July 2018: On 15th July Venus will be right above the crescent Moon. Jupiter and Saturn can be found at sunset! And around 9:30 p.m. look south to see both planets