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Happy New Year 2020! Mercury carries the message from the New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn from 25/26 Dec 2019 into January 2020 as it conjunct the eclipse point at 4 degrees Capricorn. Announcements anyone!? Will the Queen’s Christmas speech have us all ‘talking’ in the New Year? The 10 Jan marks another eclipse, this time a Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon at 20 degrees Cancer- this wraps up the “beginning” we started at the New Moon Cancer Eclipse last July 2019- here’s the culmination or results. The next day, 11 & 12 Jan we have the historic Saturn Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees Capricorn, it conjuncts Mercury (the Sun isn’t far off either) & asteroid Ceres (food, crops, mother earth). This marks the start of the conjunction of Saturn/Pluto, but also, Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction too. Whatever house this falls in (22 degrees Capricorn) this is where you’ll be transforming the structures there. Jupiter conjuncts the South Nodes of the Moon, opposite North Nodes of the Moon in Cancer- a course correction for us all. Jupiter will also increase the ‘want’ for transforming structures. In the collective this could play out in more riots & rebellions. Personally, it may just be ‘time’ to make needed changes. It is futile to resist. Try to go with the flow as best you can. Get out into nature when ever you can! Uranus also stations direct at the same time- whew, talk about getting things started with a bang! Unexpected, surprise happenings personally, collectively & perhaps also on our earth – moving & shaking. Mars in Sagittarius all January gives us the energy to see through things & see how it fits into our future. With Jupiter in Capricorn for the next year it is asking us to take those inspirational dreams & visions into a more concreate structure- for those that worked hard last year- expect some rewards in 2020. This will have us being cautiously optimistic, growth & expansion through hard work & careful planning. Jupiter rules: law, the legal process, persons in power, government & officials. Not a year to tempt fate with breaking the Law!

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