The first few days of June are dominated by a beautiful protective cocoon called a Grand Trine in 3 water signs, Venus in Cancer, Jupiter retro in Scorpio & Neptune in Pisces. A Yod or Finger of god will also be happening pointing to Saturn in Capricorn culminating in a Full Moon in Capricorn on 28 June exactly at this point bringing this all to a conclusion. I list the house for each of the signs or ascendants below where the Yod is pointing to Capricorn. It is time to start living the life I’ve imagined (or dreamed). Listen to your dreams, pay attention to your dreams; reach for the stars.

Aries: 10thhouse of career, Taurus: 9thhouse of travel, publishing & foreign people/places, Gemini: 8thhouse of power, time to take yours back, Cancer: 7thhouse of all relationships, Leo: 6thhouse of day to day activities, health, Virgo: 5thhouse of creativity, children & love, Libra: 4thhouse of home, Scorpio: 3rdhouse of communication, writing, Sagittarius: 2ndhouse of values & money, Capricorn: 1sthouse of self, Aquarius: 12th house of hidden things & spirituality, Pisces: 11thhouse of new friends & groups.

Mars retrograde (mainly in Aquarius) from 26 June through 28August dominates the summer scene connecting all the dots from the ‘happenings’ around the many eclipses that have happened over the past year, making things a lot clearer. New Moon in Gemini at 22 degrees suggests a fresh start for Geminis!