Solar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo at 11Virgo38 on 13 August 2017.

Mercury rules two signs; Gemini and Virgo. As Mercury is in its home sign of Virgo it gives it more significance.

We look to when Mercury was in shadow by seeing at what degree and sign Mercury eventually goes direct.

Using an ephemeris, we see that it is at 28 Leo 26 on 25 July 2017. This is when many astrologers say the retrograde starts. This encompasses the period from 25 July through 5 September 2017. It causes us to rethink! (what happened at the total Solar Eclipse in Leo on 21 Sept 2017).
Of interest is that Mercury stations direct on 5 September 2017 at the same degree point of the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at 28 degrees Leo. Whatever happened then: internal or external event (or both!) may result in a message or announcement on the 5 September 2017, or something becomes very clear that was not before.

Virgo rules attention to detail especially as it relates to Ideas and the practical applications of those ideas. We may lose sight of the big picture as we focus on the detail. However, when Mercury retrogrades back into Leo those ideas have a big picture effect now. So, taking the details, you worked out in Virgo you can apply them to the big picture on how you will get on your path of destiny revealed on or about the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on 21 August 2017. Remember this is at least a 6-month period although you could have something happen exactly on the 21 August 2017!

Two other planets affect this Mercury retrograde Mars also in Leo at a critical degree of 29 Leo suggesting energy to help you work out the details and the big picture and Uranus in fellow fire sign, Aries 28 degrees- providing inspiration and out of the blue surprises.

Just after this Mercury retrograde goes direct a finger of god or Yod is formed from Venus at 27 degrees Leo and Jupiter at 26 degrees Libra, both pointing to Chiron (our wounding, where we need healing) at 26 degrees Pisces. This says: Love heals all, open your heart.

Rumi says: Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.

Michelsen, N.F (1988). The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century 2001 to 2050. ACS Publications Inc: San Diego, CA.

Video Edited by Tami Magaro