7:47 AM Pacific Time
3 December 2017

Scroll down to read for area of your life affected for your
Ascendant / Sun Sign

This Full Moon in Gemini occurs on the same day Mercury starts his retrograde (appearing to move backward), lots of communication problems – right from relationships and the speech/tone we use to computers failing, messages getting lost or misunderstood could all occur… on top of which… Mercury is the natural ruler of Gemini and Virgo. So, Gemini and Virgos will be particularly affected. Tricksters and charlatans abound at this time of the Mercury retrograde especially…it may also reveal them at this Full Moon but, then they could sliver away along with Mercury as it retrogrades only to pop up again when Mercury retrograde complete comes out of shadow on 11 January 2018. Care with signing any documents should be observed. Getting a second opinion could work like a charm at this time. The Full Moon could ask: what do I need to let go of regarding my communication with others? The Mercury retrograde could be a period for some to literally learn to speak differently.

The Full Moon forms a square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) to Neptune in Pisces. Working out ways to incorporate latest information about spirituality or love (remember Neptune is the higher octave of Venus). Is this true love or not? Is this spiritual practice the right fit for me? Wait till at least when Mercury stations to go direct just before Christmas, 23 December 2017.

This Full Moon also sextiles the upcoming Total Eclipse in Leo at 11 degrees 37 minutes in Leo (almost exact by the minute!!) a Full Moon, on 31 January 2018. Opportunities to shine the light of truth in a creative way, or, maybe just a continuation of truth playing out in the public eye, so we can all be more authentic.

Sabian Symbol for 12 degrees of Gemini

“A Negro girl fights for her independence in the city”.1 p97

Liberation from past ideas and prejudices with the idea of starting fresh. This is an individual, ostensibly already in a potentially weakened position putting energy into making herself independent of existing structures to survive in the ‘jungle’.

Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury Retrograde


Full Moon in Gemini through the houses: Generally, speaking, the Full Moon represents a culmination or ending (it could be an ending of a bad thing). Mercury retrograde represents where we may have to review, rewind back to, re-do something, re-think something, re-access.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Aries, The Full Moon falls in your 3rd house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 9th house – Mercury rules the 3rd house so, it is at home here. Something you were writing or producing a presentation is completed. But, with the Mercury retrograde you may have a publicist or manager ask you to re-do something or change something (even though you think it is perfect!). Delays in getting something published (9th house) or delays with some foreign transaction, probably to do with written documents. Communications of all sorts could go south! Take care with anyone who could potentially swindle you or present a false face. Do background checks.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Taurus, The Full Moon falls in your 2nd house and Mercury retrograde fall in your 8th house – you may come into some money like from an inheritance. Money owed you is finally received. The check finally arrives in the mail!!! But, you may be required to invest it for distinct reasons (8th house) or have other contenders vie for the money too! Take great care with transparency when dealing with other people’s money or shared money; likewise get everything in writing if you are sharing an investment (of any sort). Make sure you are getting the money/investment you are owed. Do your homework if unsure. You could also have a change in your value system that deepens your sense of value or self-worth and spirituality. Arranging for counselling or therapy to address value issues (especially as it relates to your value) could come up for review.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Gemini, The Full Moon falls in your 1st house and Mercury retrograde fall in your 7th house – A culmination on how you speak and emote to others, how you speak to others and communicate others could change now (for better or good). Communicating will end now (this might be a good thing). The retrograde in the 7th house of partnerships means reviewing the rules regarding how you formed your present partnerships (any partnerships where you sign a contract). Beware of charlatans posing as experts!! Do your diligence especially as it relates to signing any contracts for a service, including marriage, lawyers, therapists, home builders. You could also take time to really review how you and a partner communicate with each other.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Cancer, The Full Moon falls in your 12th house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 6th house – Going inward, on retreats, exploring the way you have expressed your spirituality and how you express your inner self could come up. If you are in a hospital by chance…this could end a stay there! You may have strange stuff happen in your neighborhood that hampers your progress…your day to day work could involve re-doing things, forgetting things, computer breakdowns, phones not working, emails getting lost or misunderstood!!! You could also be reviewing how you take care of your nutrition and exercise; this could be an appropriate time to investigate ways to change the way you did things in the past (that may not have worked well).

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Leo, The Full Moon falls in your 11th house and Mercury retrograde fall in your 5th house – you could end friendships or associations with groups especially ones on line, or groups you belonged to could suddenly end (Uranus rules the 11th house). A new business you are trying to get off the ground could have some barriers that you must resolve before you can move forward, a new romance could hit a bump where communication between the two of you needs be actively worked on. Children could cause issues that you are required to address. You could lose a lottery ticket (and have the winning numbers). You could find it when Mercury goes direct on 23 December 2017.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Virgo, The Full Moon falls in your 10th house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 4th house – a current career path could end either by choice or by others. Communications could go awry at work including the computers and systems you use to do your job. You could decide to not carry through goals you had identified as important; now they don’t seem to be relevant. Your home could become a little chaotic with unexpected communications happening that require your attention and ‘review’. If you are selling or buying a home take care with whom you deal with (do due diligence and check out they are legit). Either of these activities around the home could be delayed…along with a delay in remodeling your home. The contractor may fall ill or realize he must delay starting your project for some reason. You parents could require some help you had not anticipated and communication back and forth may be frustrating and unclear.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Libra, The Full Moon falls in your 9th house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 3rd house – you may obtain a degree you have been working hard towards or some certification, green card, citizenship, your book could be finally published. Communications of all sorts will be scrambled by the Mercury retrograde (Mercury rules the 3rd house) you may have to re-do paperwork, contracts, computers may break down, systems you use to communicate, including phones may require servicing.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Scorpio, The Full Moon falls in your 8th house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 2nd house – an inheritance could come to you because of a death in the family, a communication about other people’s money/investments could come forward. Taxes or loans you need to pay back may come up for installment plans! Reviewing your values especially of yourself could be up for your personal review including how much money you get paid for what you do. Money, you are owed may mysteriously not be paid because of some miscommunication.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Sagittarius, The Full Moon falls in your 7th house and Mercury retrograde fall in your 1st house – a relationship could end or the way you do a relationship could end. Sagittarius is about freedom and this is where the Sun is; opposite the Moon and your 7th house. With Mercury retro you want to re-do the way you communicate with others, especially ones you have contracts with (marriage, therapists, lawyers etc.). Take care with folks coming in that seem to have all the answers to help you communicate better; fake gurus abound currently. Don’t undertake any procedures if possible at this time; Mercury retro in your first house could have a misunderstanding on what you want…and others ‘hear’ you want.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Capricorn, The Full Moon falls in your 6th house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 12th house – you’ll end a way you have been conducting your day to day work (this could be positive if you are traveling long distances to work fyi), you could end a nutrition or exercise plan that you think does not fit your needs. Mercury retro has you reviewing you…appropriate time for any therapy to address how you have been communicating with others or vice versa and investigating ways to improve both.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Aquarius, The Full Moon falls in your 5th house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 11th house – Maybe your new business is finally announced! A new baby is born! You win at a games of chance opportunity. It can also mean the ending of a business you have run, your child leaves home. Miscommunication with friends and groups could be rampant with Mercury retro in your 11th house; take great care with emails and texts especially, this is a time when people can misread what you mean. You could also be taking time to review who you are friends with and what organizations you belong to and if they represent who you are…take care with new friends and organizations that come forward at this time, deception and lying can be big with Mercury retro.

If your Sun Sign or Ascendant is Pisces The Full Moon falls in your 4th house and Mercury retrograde falls in your 10th house – something ends in your home or in your family home, there could be communication problems at home. But, you could also have the final paperwork signed off to acquire a new home or sell your old one. If you are signing paperwork or going for a new job; Mercury retro in your career house says: do due diligence on what your job entails including the viability of the company, you will be working for. This time could also be a review time regarding your career and goals where you decide to really look at where you are in your career and if a change is needed to your goals to get you to where you want.


  1. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.