Full Moon in Libra 10 Libra 44

31 March 2018

5:36 a.m. PDT

Libra is a relationship sign as it is ruled by Venus and governs the 7th house of relationships. These are marriage-like relationships but, any relationship where a contract has been signed could qualify!  Libra likes to seek balance, the key is to do that but, don’t waver too much. Inaction at this full Moon won’t be favored.

At a Full Moon we have the Moon, in Libra and the Sun, in the opposite sign, Aries, ruled by Mars and governs pioneering, me first, let’s get moving types of activities. Libra is a Cardinal sign of action and leadership. Libra as a sign initiates the Autumn Equinox, a point of change. This Full Moon in Libra though is happening in the Spring time; perhaps a time for something that we thought was over could be just beginning. The Full Moon in Libra asks: what has reached its expiry date? What has reached a conclusion? Ah, what has become patently obvious in a relationship? The Full Moon illuminates these things for you.

We still have a Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aries, also a Cardinal sign and the first sign of the zodiac; an influence of initiation and blazing new paths. The Aries Sun conjuncts this Mercury retrograde and (naturally) opposes the Full Moon in Libra, helping us speak out loud what we are really thinking! Or having others speak out loud what they think of us…especially regarding the ‘lack’ in a relationship. Positively this could be a point in a relationship where both speak their minds and say: let’s make this real, let’s put a ring on it!

We have three planets in Capricorn also a Cardinal sign…okay, so we have a lot of ‘initiation’ or desire for change, going on…and right at spring time when all the spring flowers are valiantly bursting up through the soil. There will be a big push for doing something ‘new’ and with a big emphasis on Aries (I wanna do it my way) substantial changes will be afoot.

Some folks may get some surprises as we have Venus, just in earthy Taurus, conjuncting Uranus (in its final degrees of Aries) also due to go into Taurus mid-May 2018. Again, relationships are center stage. Is this working to express the ‘real’ me. No? Then you will want to ‘change’ things. Venus/Uranus conjunctions can also bring an unexpected love into our life or unexpected money. See where the latter degrees of Aries and first degrees of Taurus are in your personal chart…it is this area that may bring some unexpected development.

The Moon squares Mars and Saturn creating challenges emotionally. This may require some finesse when trying to incorporate emotional changes necessary for a relationship to continue. Mars conjuncting Saturn in Capricorn says, let’s build something real that will last. I expect many will be asking: Does this relationship have the right stuff to go the distance long term? And is this really real (for me); especially as it relates to relationships. Aries is all about ‘me’.

Sabian Symbol for 11 degrees Libra


Here we have a learned person looking at the people he is teaching and reflecting. This emphasizes the Libra balance of the Full Moon and the Mercury retrograde effect of reviewing. To me this is saying: Am I giving the right message, am I speaking the right things. Pondering the effect of your thoughts, reflected in your speech to others. Then there is always the Zen proposition: who is the teacher and who is the student. What is this moment teaching me?


  1. Rudhyar, D. 1974 An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition. Toronto: Canada.