19 October 2017
12:11 pm Pacific Time

The Moon in Libra will first conjunct Venus, also in Libra, Tuesday 17 October, on her way to join the Sun, to form the New Moon in Libra on 19 October. Venus rules Libra emphasizing the Venusian qualities of love, money and beauty. In Libra, Venus acts by attracting things to her; this could be money, love or beauty…or all the above! With both luminaries (Sun & Moon, remember this is a New Moon) in Libra, relationships, once again are illuminated.

This New Moon is in opposition to Uranus in Aries (exactly; read as unusual, so pay attention) and conjunct Mercury. This could manifest in several ways…it will all boil down to something, or someone, unexpected or unusual appearing now. At the New Moon this could literally be a love attraction that hits you like a bolt of lightning.  Libra, as a sign, tries to be fair and weighs things back and forth. Uranus acts with lightning speed so, I would say no more sitting on the fence; mostly to do with romantic relationships, but money and beauty could be involved too. A decision could finally be made regarding an expensive item that appeals greatly to you.

A call to all Libran’s (especially Sun and Ascendant): This is a new start, probably a new love, or significant friendship, relationship! Make sure to get out there all during this time of the New Moon in Libra; general effect is for 2 weeks.

With Mercury at the beginning of Scorpio in the mix, conjuncting this Moon and Sun, information may leak out or something you may have wanted to keep secret, or hidden, from prying eyes. Or, vice versa…you get that final piece of the puzzle that has had you stumped. It all makes sense now. Jupiter now in Scorpio is within one degree of Mercury…oh my! Jupiter will just shine a light on this, especially when both planets form a conjunction on 28 October. In the collective, and personally announcements of love may be proclaimed. Someone may let the cat out of the bag too; Jupiter will increase the effect of communicative Mercury. Foot in mouth disease may prevail.

Overall, this is a New Moon of new relationships starting. Uranus and Jupiter are both spiritual so, it is possible this is blessed by the gods and the universe. Jupiter in Scorpio will add depth to your feelings; just don’t let that be obsessiveness or possessiveness. You may feel this is fated or a soulmate connection; it may be, time will tell.

Jupiter’s entry into water sign Scorpio will directly affect those with Scorpio Sun (inner essence)/Moon(emotions)/Ascendant (your life and you) …can we say transformation (Pluto rules Scorpio)? Other signs included will be the opposite sign, Taurus, and all other water signs, Cancer and Pisces. Jupiter in Scorpio wants to dig into the murky depths and bring up the hidden gold, in some cases, this may be actual treasure!


See you at the Full Moon in Taurus on 4th November 2017 when the Sun joins Mercury and Jupiter in all intense, water run deep, Scorpio opposing this Full Moon! Can we say rollin’ in the deep??!

Sabian Symbol for 27 Libra

“An Airplane sails, high in the clear sky”1 p 159 
“A consciousness able to transcend the conflicts and pressures of the personal life”.
The individual lifting their eyes and marveling at the beauty surrounding them. Connecting with source, the universe and living in the now…not yesterday, not tomorrow.


  1. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.