11:30 a.m. Pacific Time
21 August 2017

This New Moon Total Eclipse in Leo at 28 Leo 52 will affect everyone it just depends what house you have 28 degrees Leo. The main influence individually will be to follow our path of destiny, creatively…and not to be afraid to reach for where you have always known you were meant to be (Read as: Courage). Whether that is a job, relationships (romantic or business), home you live in, habits you want to shun. All this comes up to be reviewed: Is this (person, thing, place) really helping express who I am and why I am here in this lifetime? No? here comes the opportunity to change this with major, favorable effects from Saturn on the Galactic Center, Uranus in Aries and finally, on 5th September a retrograde Mercury going direct on the exact degree of this eclipse: 28 degrees of Leo! This is the universe giving all of us a clean start…creatively this is off the charts! If you are already in a creative career you may produce some of your greatest work. Remember that events, people, new things won’t necessarily all pop up at once. This Total Eclipse will last for at least 6 months. Watch as the pieces fall into place…

All eclipses relate back to cycles…these cycles are called Saros Cycles and Bernadette Brady 2 discusses these well in her book the Eagle and the Lark, including years the cycle exists and what it means. For this cycle, we can look back to 1999 (and even further back, 1981) and see what may have come up as a theme at that time; the house the eclipse occurred in at those years will be the same at this Total Eclipse in Leo, 21 August 2017. Of course, other planets will be in separate places now.

Mercury retrograde starts in Virgo but, will station direct at the same degree point as the eclipse: 28 degrees Leo on 5 September 2017. Venus was opposite Saturn just before Mercury retrograded suggesting a change in fortune or love, or both will manifest around the time Mercury goes stationary direct on 5 Sept 2017.

There is a cardinal Grand Cross with Uranus and Eris in Aries, Venus in Cancer, Jupiter in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn – all indicating momentous change in our relationships, how we value ourselves and how this relates to the power structures we have been honoring that may no longer be relevant.

Mars sextiles Jupiter trine Saturn. Jupiter sextiles Saturn and squares Pluto. Saturn trines the North Node of the Moon. A line up of conjunctions with Mars, North Node of the Moon, Sun and Moon all in the sign of Leo. This all indicates opportunities for change to help us get on our path of destiny individually and collectively as a whole.

Use the energy of the eclipse to let go of the ego that is not serving us and actively set up structures that “do” serve us on the path of our individual and collective destiny. Challenges from those in power may result. Can we stay the course? You will have at least 6 months to creatively, and with love, embrace this. We will need to have patience with all the retrograde planets!

Regulus, deemed the Royal Star, is now at 0 degrees Virgo having been at 28/29 degrees Leo for most people born up till now. Regulus is the closest star to the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun). In the constellation of Leo, it is shown to be at the heart of the Lion (Leo). Regulus forms a conjunction with this Total Eclipse in Leo adding royal leadership from a feminine standpoint (this is the Virgo part).

Jupiter Opposes Uranus for the final 3rd time: September 28, 2017. Previously, the opposition occurred on December 26, 2016 March 3, 2017. I think this is when some of the effects of the Leo total eclipse may start manifesting in tangible ways. Unexpected, out-of-the-blue fortunate opportunities for changing our direction. Remember, you may have apparently negative effects that turn out to be protective. What seems negative now may be very positive in a brief time!

There will be many gleeful announcements about the ‘change’ folks have finally had the courage make.

The British Royal Family may also have their big announcements too now! Check out my video section for the Royal Family and effects of this Total Solar Eclipse in Leo, especially Prince Harry’s.

Sabian Symbol for 29 degrees Leo

A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form 1 p 149

“Reaching towards consciousness via the creator (source, god, the universe) as cosmic love seeks tangible manifestation through human lovers”

This speaks to intuition (mermaid in ocean) become form (mermaid to human form). Taking an intuited thought, connecting with source and producing a conscious thought as a result.


  1. Rudhyar, D. 1974 An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition. Toronto: Canada.
  2. Brady, B. 1992 The Eagle and the Lark: A textbook of Predictive Astrology. Samuel Weiser, Inc. York Beach: Maine.