30 September 2016 5:11 p.m. PDT
1 October 2016 1:11 a.m. UK Time

Meaning of New Moon in Libra

New relationships that add balance to our lives. Jupiter conjuncts the New Moon and Sun is adding an element of natural law to the mix. What is/was meant to be can happen now. A green light for Go!

Sabian Symbol for 9 degrees Libra

Three “old Masters” hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery 1.  “The need to return to source during a confused search for new value in a chaotic society”. p. 177.

The old Masters created works of beauty that we all get to enjoy. Ponder what you can leave behind as a ‘work of art or beauty’ that future generations can enjoy. The image: the birth of Venus (rules Libra) rising from the ocean (Neptune), I picked for this New Moon in Libra is from an old Master, Sandro Botticelli. It’s been suggested that this may depict spiritual beauty. Ah, now that is something for us all to contemplate in relationships: beauty needs to be more than skin deep, it needs to be spiritual. The question is: is it?

Astrological Aspects

Jupiter also in Libra conjuncts both the Moon and Sun in Libra. This lends a lovely expansion of all things Libran; balance, weighing up pros and cons, and negatively, possible indecision. Libra is ruled by Venus which is love, beauty, money, art. There could be some beautiful things to look at this New Moon in Libra. This also brings relationships into focus and a possible sensible weighing up of the pros and cons of what is working and what is not. Especially as Mars is squaring Jupiter and the Sun and Moon to a lesser degree. I picture a fly in the ointment. Perhaps some things need to be worked out in relationship to make it just right. Some heat will be added with Venus in Scorpio along with Black Moon Lilith suggesting some unabashedly  feminine wiles being used! Neptune trines this aspect adding a dreamy influence; making it look and possibly feel, good. In fact dreams could reveal much to those that are receptive.

Neptune working with the underworld (Scorpio); a gentle way too look at your worst fears and worries and make them disappear! This could also be female rage or anger…perhaps with regards to an imbalance in relationship. It may be useful to ask ‘how did I get to the point of anger and why’? Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio sextiles Pluto which suggests an opportunity for powerful transformation can occur as a result of owning our anger. Something to ponder. Mercury is opposite Chiron; new messages about unique ways of healing us. Be open to new ways of getting yourself better. Saturn squares North Nodes of the Moon in Virgo asking us to really look seriously at our collective destiny. Pluto trines this aspect adding deep thought to where we are going next, where are we going to make a difference…individually and collectively. A time to pause and think: What am I doing here, where am I going. The Libra New Moon will help you look at the whole perspective with a 360 view.

Saturn also squares Neptune; wrenching open the door to reveal the truth behind; doesn’t matter if you pick door number 1, 2, or 3…what you’ve been avoiding or conveniently sweeping under the carpet will come up, and or, out! This could be a good thing. For Librans (and those with a Libra ascendant) generally, this New Moon should provide some new opportunity for relationships especially, romantic.


  1. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.