14 December 2016
4:05 p.m. Pacific time

May this be a magical, wondrous time for all!

This Full Moon in Gemini has the Sun (at 22 Sagittarius) conjuncting Saturn in Sagittarius (remember at a Full Moon the Sun is opposite the Moon). If you allow for a 10 degree orb, the Sun also conjuncts Mercury emphasizing the ‘communication’ part of this Full Moon in Gemini (ruled by Mercury). A serious message is delivered with the Moon opposing Saturn. The Gemini Full Moon wants to communicate! The Full Moon is trine Mars in Aquarius suggesting taking a different type of action than perhaps you’ve used before – insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result! Mars is clearing the ground for Venus as she does relationship differently. Venus in Aquarius is reaching for the higher levels of relationship. Folks may just say: I don’t want to do this relationship like we have been doing. Either we change, or we go our separate ways. Jupiter in Libra, opposite Saturn, sextile Uranus & Eris in Aries, say: explore new ways to do relationship. Jupiter expands and Uranus wants to shake things up, so does Eris. And Aries is all about me. I would expect either new ways of doing your relationships or they may end. This relates to our friends, partners or jobs. The decision to go for what you really want will be pressing lots of your buttons. Jupiter square Chiron asks us all to consider adjusting our spiritual thermometer so we can heal. Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn; secrets being released collectively and individually; but, only to help us transform. Venus quincunxes the North Nodes of the Moon, dealing with the future of our relationships so that we feel good inside. Pursuing relationships that support our destiny. There will be a lot of mind stuff going on at this Full Moon and some of it will be spoken out loud, messaged on phones or sent via email, or,out to collective email groups all demanding change, change, change especially as it relates to our relationships and how those relationships make us feel. There will be a more urgent feeling to do things differently.

Other significant planetary aspects for remainder of December & 2016!

Saturn trines Uranus (and Eris) in Aries 24 December; this is the first of three trines over 2016/2017. Sudden changes to structures; either physical ones or symbolic, even psychological ones. This may be totally unexpected and may or may not resonate with your jovial self! Can we say: All Change! If you really needed some change and couldn’t imagine it happening; think again. Trines are easy flowing energy. By end of 2107 things that held you back, won’t anymore.

Jupiter sextile Saturn and opposes Uranus (25 Dec 2016) & Eris (also revolutionary, along with Uranus) and continues squaring Pluto. This is the first of three Jupiter opposite Uranus events. Saturn squares Chiron. Sagittarius as a jovial, happy, giving generously sign epitomizes Santa Claus or Father Christmas! He’s also the Centaur pointing his arrow to the future (your future!). With Saturn conjunct the Sun; the gifts may be more practical and fewer this year.

Sabian Symbol for 23 degrees Gemini

“Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree” 1 p. 104

Birds here are said to symbolize the spirit and in this case the initiation of spirit reflected in the image of the newly born ‘fledglings’.

We are individually singing our songs from the spirit and they’re all beautiful. Collectively, we are communicating spiritual messages. Be vigilant about listening to messages that may be being delivered to us. This can even be from nature. It is like a gift, from spirit, source or the universe, is being sent to each of us this holiday season.


  1. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.