Full Moon in Taurus
24 October 2018
1 Taurus 13 minutes
9:45 am PDT
Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram @elpisastrology
Full Moon in Taurus may shake us up and wake us up. A lot of electrical energy amping up our physical bodies and mind. Lots of nervous energy about! Take lots of down time and plan for ways to release this energy positively (walking, exercising, even massages that calm down your muscles and mind).
The Moon in Taurus conjuncts Uranus retrograde, and the Sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus. This can be a time of great enlightenment if you are receptive to this. More than likely you will have some surprise (depending where this Full Moon falls in your chart). In the 1st house, you may be surprising folks by announcing a big change in your life, the 7th house, a partner may surprise you, business or marriage, the 5th house, a new love comes into your life unexpectedly, or/and a love relationship breaks up, 10th house, an unexpected career change, or you lose a job and find a much better one offered you.
With the Venus retrograde in the mix, love will be involved. As you wander the rivers of love, pay attention to what you feel. This will be important as November unfolds.
On the 31st October Jupiter trines Chiron, beautiful healing energy and Venus opposite Uranus for the 2nd time; love at first site, unexpected money coming your way…or a major change in your value system. Venus retrograde goes into Libra, the relationship sign. Expect all relationship issues to be highlighted from then, throughout all of November 2018. Try to remain open to possibilities but do not commit to anything yet. Wait till Venus goes direct mid-November 2018. More next month.
The sky has a waxing Moon making its way from West to South to East from 14-17 October first having Saturn at 7 o’clock position then Mars at 9 o’clock. Mars is decreasing in brightness as it moves further from earth. 21-22 Oct Orionid Meteor shower before dawn look southeast.
November has Venus going direct mid-month, a Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and the North and South Nodes change signs to Cancer and Capricorn and Jupiter changes signs to Sagittarius- it’s home sign (therefore, more powerful). Stay tuned!
Sabian Symbol for 2 degrees Taurus
“An electrical storm” (1) p72
Well, how apropos! You can expect electrical energy coming towards you and you, giving electrical energy out. The highest form would be to receive a divine message from source unexpectedly that changes your life.
- Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases.Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.