10:29 PM Pacific Time
19 September 2017

This New Moon in Virgo brings us many planets now in Virgo! Mercury conjuncts Mars – both of which are opposite Neptune in Pisces. Venus conjuncts the Royal Star, Regulus which trines Uranus. Uranus trines the north node of the Moon of our collective destiny in Leo. Saturn, in the remaining degrees of Sagittarius forms a trine with the north node of the Moon too. There are various other aspects with wider orbs going on too.

What does it all mean? The New Moon is all about new beginnings and in Virgo, taking those newly discovered facts or information and applying them to the big picture. We will all be communicating our hopes and dreams actively. Venus will help make them come true; many will have unexpected out of the blue events that puts them right where they need to be, right now. Rewards over the next few months may be forthcoming for those that have been working hard at their spiritual side. Many are going to want to act, speak their truth, manifest their destiny! Just get your facts right and if not sure, double check the information. With Virgo’s focus on health (and the 6th house) this would be an appropriate time to change your diet for the better, to do a cleanse for instance. Speaking of health…with Neptune opposing this Moon and Sun…if any hints at possible health problems come up; get it checked out pronto.

Transformational Pluto goes direct during the final days of September 2017. This is a powerful time when a planet goes stationary direct from retrograde. Pluto represents power, yours and others. Use it wisely. Some may claim their power back after some time of letting others have power over them. All because of truly looking at the information (Virgo) and realizing the imbalance and how this was preventing them from getting on their path.

Venus in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces exactly on 30 September 2017. What better aspect for true love, of our dream (Neptune) coming true? (Venus- manifesting what you want). Or, is that a mirage shimmering in the distance (tricky part of Neptune)? That is where Virgo can really assist…get the facts…then let it go. Think back of that wonderful feeling of holding the beautiful balloon and letting it go up, up, up to the Universe.

The only potential ‘fly in the ointment’? Sun/Moon quincunx Uranus (0-degree orb), opposite Chiron. Can we incorporate what our head and heart want to heal? Or, are we trying too hard to dissect the beautiful rose. Don’t make that mistake. Gather the information- then ask, ‘How does this make me feel’.

Overall, with Virgo very much in the picture we are being asked to be discriminating but to reflect on how our heart really feels about the situation. Is this job, person, place, group right for me? Really right for me? Am I trying to please someone else (echoing back to childhood conditioning?). That’s where the Virgo fact finding ‘does’ come in handy. Believe in you.

Sabian Symbol for 28 degrees Virgo

“A baldheaded man who has seized power”1 p.168.
Seizing power to radically change what must be changed. Consider: Am I giving my power away?


  1. Rudhyar, D. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases. Vintage Books Edition, 1974. Toronto: Canada.