Partial New Moon Eclipse 18 Leo 42
11th August 2018
2:57 a.m. PDT
Follow me on FB & Instagram @elpisastrology
Chiron retrograde at 2 degrees of Aries forms a sextile with both Mars retrograde and the South Nodes of the Moon the first few days of August. True healing when you let go. Venus opposes Chiron on the 9th August. We all ask the question: is this love healing or harming me?
Jupiter continues to trine Neptune and forms an exact trine on: 14th to 22nd August. Providing an extended time where bountiful, feel good, dreams really can come true, feelings provide a backdrop of positive energy.
A Yod formed with Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces pointing at this Leo New Moon Eclipse. This forms the theme for August 2018. Capricorn is all about structures and boundaries & time, but Pisces is all about ‘no’ boundaries, limitless time; pointing at a New Moon in Leo it whispers: Authenticity, creatively expressing your real self & allowing time for play & fun are key factors this August 2018. Maybe even falling in love…Royalty may make some new announcements at this time.
This New Moon Eclipse in Leo exactly conjuncts Prince Charles Pluto (which is generational) and trines his natal Mars in Sagittarius and 6th house of day to day work. The New Moon occurs in Queen Elizabeth’s 7th house of duty. It could be that a decision is made at this time but not announced to the public as Mercury is retrograde (leaks in the press may ensure though). Mercury direct hits this point on 30th August 2018!
Venus sextiles the North Nodes of the Moon in Leo on 12th August providing a one-day cushion of some comfort.
Mercury retrograde in Leo will conjunct the Eclipse New Moon in Leo. Mercury goes direct at 11 degrees Leo on 19th August at the same time it forms a beneficial opportunistic sextile to Venus.
The Sun in Leo opposes Mars retrograde on 22nd August.
The Sun in Virgo trines Saturn retrograde in Capricorn bestowing blessings on new structures around new initiatives for our food and health
Mercury will square Jupiter in Scorpio 28th August.
Mercury direct conjuncts the Leo Eclipse point on 30th August, messages may emerge because of the event that occurred at the New Moon Eclipse in Leo earlier in August.
Saturn and Uranus, both retrograde form a trine bringing new structures in our lives, collectively & personally that have a grounding energy. Kind of light how energy is transformed into electricity and the light shines on us.
Mars goes direct at 28 degrees Capricorn on 27th August, the remnants of this influence will last through September but, we’ll feel our energy and power start to come back.