Total Eclipse Leo and the Royal Family Astrological Update

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Time stamp for Royal Family update is 12:56

This is the last Leo eclipse in this series of eclipses between Leo and Aquarius…yet, it is at the first degree of Leo. This suggests a new beginning even though this Total Eclipse is a Full Moon in Leo- which would normally mean endings. Not that those aren’t going to happen. I feel this is about a breakout moment for those reaching for the brass ring. You could also feel the effects 6 months prior to 20 Jan 2019- so, July 2018. Leo asks us to express our creative, authentic self with joy and love. For those not willing to pay attention to the nudges they’ve been receiving since last year? Well, the Universe will usher in the changes for you – this is backed up with the unexpected, Uranus energy which will also speed things up! You could feel all excited and jittery at the same time. Plan for some downtime to process what is pinging inside you. Jupiter square Neptune has us doubting ourselves and wondering if you can trust. The key is to trust the universe, your inner satellite guidance but reach out to others you trust to confirm.

For the British Royal Family both Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth have major once in a life time transits involving Uranus and Pluto throughout 2019. Prince Charles’ Ascendant is conjunct the Total Eclipse Full Moon in Leo on 20 Jan 2019, putting him front and center in 2019. They both have major effects on their respective North Nodes of the Moon with regards to their future destiny. Read as: Future Destiny of the Monarchy and Royal Family. Duchess Meagan will give birth in March 2019, I predict 21 March 2019. Venus conjunct Jupiter in the early morning sky, look Southeast.